106 Cayuga Heights Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 280-7006
Directions to Sigma Chi
Greystone is located at 106 Cayuga Heights Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850. We welcome alumni to visit at any time! If you can, please call to let us know you are coming: (607) 280-7006. We hope to see you soon!
Click here to view our location on Google Maps and get directions from the address of your choice, .
Walking or driving from North Campus
• Head to Thurston Avenue
• Continue to the bottom of the hill
• Go left down hill to the “T” in the road
• Go right onto Stewart Avenue. This becomes Cayuga Heights Road.
• Sigma Chi will be on our left in about 150 yards
Walking from Central Campus:
• Walk to the suspension bridge past the Johnson Museum
• Cross the suspension bridge and continue to Thurston Avenue
• Go left down hill to the “T” in the road
• Go right onto Stewart Avenue. This becomes Cayuga Heights Road.
• Sigma Chi will be on our left in about 150 yards
Driving from downtown Ithaca:
• Head north on NY-13 north (2.5 miles)
• Take the exit toward Cayuga Heights Road (0.2 miles)
• Turn left off the exit ramp onto Cayuga Heights Road (1.5 miles)
• Sigma Chi will be on the right
Driving from Triphammer Mall:
• Head west on NY-13 south (0.5 miles)
• Take the Cayuga Heights Rd exit (0.3 miles)
• Turn left off the exit ramp onto Cayuga Heights Road (1.5 miles)
• Sigma Chi will be on the right
We welcome your feedback
We would like to make this site even better, so let us know how we can make it more responsive to your needs: alumnirecords@sigmachicornell.org. In your message, include your telephone number if you would prefer to be contacted by telephone.
Sigma Chi of Cornell Alumni Association, Inc.
Alumni Records Office
P.O. Box 876
Ithaca, NY 14851-0876