Donations to Sigma Chi through Cornell University are tax-deductible but must be processed through Cornell’s alumni giving website:
INSTRUCTIONS for designating your gift to Sigma Chi through Cornell’s website:
- Click the radio button under the first line of text, “What area(s) of Cornell would you like to give to?*” This will open a pop-up form.
- Click the box “Other — Cornell” then “Continue” (bottom left). This returns you to the first giving screen.
- In the “Selected Designations” box, enter the amount of your gift. Type “Sigma Chi Scholarship Challenge #394217” in the text box below the “Selected Designations” box. Click “Continue” (bottom right).
- Then fill out each subsequent page according to your gift/contact specifications.
All gifts to the scholarship fund are tax-deductible. Donors receive full Cornell giving credit. The proceeds will be used for scholarships and other educational activities at the recommendation of the officers of the Sigma Chi of Cornell Alumni Association.